Translators Needed
Are you fluent in a foreign language? PRF needs your help!
As of December, 2016, there are 146 children living with Progeria, from 45 countries, speaking 32 different languages. PRF strives to keep in touch with all the families, offering support and up-to-date medical information. Language should not be a barrier to our communicating with each and every family!
Imagine the isolation, fear and frustration they may feel, not only because their child has a rare disease shared by only a handful of others in the world, but also because they cannot understand what is available to them, such as treatment recommendations to give their child a better quality of life, and clinical studies that are vital to treatment trials. You can help bridge that gap for them.
If you, or someone you know can volunteer to translate our newsletter, documents and letters, please contact us at
Many of our translators have been with PRF since our foundation was formed in 1999. They are truly a valuable part of our volunteer force, but we need more of you as our work progresses and the number of families grows as awareness of progeria and PRF continues to spread throughout the world.
Download our Volunteer Application here:
Please return your completed translator application to: or fax to (978) 535-5849. You may also mail directly to our office:
The Progeria Research Foundation
PO Box 3453
Peabody, MA 01961
Don’t hesitate to contact our office if you have any questions!
Meet some of our Translators:
In Appreciation of our PRF Translators
Our translators are truly a vital part of the PRF family. We would be unable to communicate with many Progeria families around the world without their help. We would like to periodically introduce a few of our translators as a means to share our appreciation for their services.
We are so fortunate to have over 100 translators on our volunteer team speaking 25 different languages!
Check back soon when we will highlight several different translators!!!

First name: Jialu
Language translated: Chinese
Country where you live: United States
How long have you translated for PRF: Since 2015
Comments you would like to share: I love to be able to use my language, educational, and cultural background to help the kids and their family, who are thousands of miles away. Even though I’ve never actually met any of them, I feel that we’re connected.

First Name: Alessia
Language translated: Italian
Country where you live: Italy
How long have you translated for PRF: Since 2007
Comments you would like to share: Many thanks to PRF for giving me the opportunity to help out and give something back. It is a real honor to see that my work has been used to help those in need

First Name: Ellen
Language translated: Portuguese
Country where you live: United States
How long have you translated for PRF: Since 2011
Comments you would like to share: I learned about PRF when I was doing a project for my Biology class. My dream was to be a nurse at that time. Today I am an ER nurse and I am so proud to continue to help the PRF and all the lives the foundation touches.

First name: Heike
Language translated: German
Country where you live: United States
How long have you translated for PRF: Since 1999
Comments you would like to share: The best thing about translating for me is that you actually can put a face for whom you’re translating for. Makes you feel you’re somewhat part of finding a cure in the smallest way. I love it.