Other Ways to Support PRF
Download the donation form and mail to:
The Progeria Research Foundation
P.O. Box 3453
Peabody, MA 01961-3453
Become a Monthly Donor – a Champion for the Cure!
Join PRF’s Champions for the Cure monthly giving program. For as little as $10 a month, you will provide a steady flow of support that we can rely on to bring treatments and the cure to children with Progeria. It’s easy and fast – become a monthly or quarterly donor just by clicking here.
Will Your Company Match Your Gift?
Click on Matching Gift and Volunteer Grant information provided by

Does Your Company Have A Payroll Deduction Program?
You can give small amounts with each paycheck that add up to make a big difference. Donations are deducted automatically. It’s easy, efficient and affordable!
Are You a Federal or State Employee?
Participate in your Workplace Giving Campaigns. Look for PRF in the Federal Workplace Brochure listed as: “Premature Aging in Children – Progeria Research Foundation” and CFC #11608. Please share our story with other employees and encourage them to also make a contribution through your Federal and State Employee Giving Campaigns. Here is our listing entry: Heart Attack. Stroke. Progeria children experience these, but now have hope to cure this fatal aging disease thanks to PRF’s research. Help them today!
For more information about Matching Gift or Employee Giving please contact us at (978) 535-2594 or e-mail donations@progeriaresearch.org.
Make PRF a part of your Estate Plan – Join the Leadership by Legacy Society
Click here for details on Planned Giving options for Bequests, Retirement Assets and Insurance Policies
Give a Gift of Appreciated Securities
- Avoid capital gains taxes on the stock.
- Receive a charitable income tax deduction for the fair market value of stock at the time of the gift.
- Know your money is invested in a cause important to you.
The stock must have been held by you for at least one year and must be transferred to PRF’s account prior to being sold in order to avoid capital gains taxation. Your financial advisor can arrange the gift directly to PRF. Click here for an illustration of the benefits of giving a gift of appreciated securities. If you plan on donating stock in certificate form prior to year-end, please have the mailing postmarked by December 31.
For more information on planned giving, stock transfer instruction or any other assistance we can provide, please contact Robyn Glazer Milbury, Esq. Planned Giving Officer at 978-535-2594 or plannedgiving@progeriaresearch.org.
Donate your Car
Car, truck, and boat donations are tax deductible for the full sales amount of your vehicle, a value that will likely exceed the credit you’d receive for a trade – a Win-Win for you and PRF!
We have teamed up with a vehicle donation program that handles the entire donation process for you. PRF will receive 50% of the net proceeds generated from the sale. From your initial call, to providing all the necessary tax documentation, to scheduling free pick up, it’s a quick and simple way to give. Please call 978-535-2594 or email donations@progeriaresearch.org for car donation information or go to Cars Helping America and choose PRF from the drop down list “Your Charity Preference.” Thank you!