Ordering Information

Cost of each fibroblast or lymphoblast cell line is $80.50

Cost of each Immortalized Fibroblast Cell Line is $80.50

Cost of each iPSC line is $84.00

Application and Agreement for Non-government Institutions

 Material Transfer Agreement for Non-government Institutions

In 2014, PRF instituted a policy of no changes to our MTA. This is the result of 12 years of contractual arrangements with 70 research teams working at institutions in 14 countries. PRF and its counsel have taken into consideration the issues that have arisen in that time period and edited the agreement accordingly, resulting in what we feel are fair and reasonable terms.

For U.S. Federal Government Institutions or questions, please contact Joan Brazier, Research Study Coordinator, at joan_brazier@brown.edu or 401-863-9628.

For all publications resulting from the use of biological samples from the PRF Cell and Tissue Bank, we ask researchers to please use the following information within the materials and methods section (not simply the acknowledgments).  This wording may vary slightly, depending on which materials were supplied for the research.

“Cells and Cell Culture; Human primary dermal fibroblast cell lines were obtained from The Progeria Research Foundation (PRF) Cell and Tissue Bank.  The HGPS cell lines were XXX, XXX, XXX; the control lines were XXX, XXX, XXX.”