October 6, 2012 in Canyon Lake, CA: Canyon Lake Car Show

A message from Terry Foose, California Chapter Chair.

Saturday, Oct. 6, at the Canyon Lake Car Show, we held raffles, silent auctions and a live auction to raise funds for the clinical trials for The Progeria Research Foundation. I have done this every year at the Car Show and every year the Canyon Lake community comes through to support the children.

This year with their help we raised just under $5,900. On behalf of these precious children, thank you.

In just 13 years, since PRF was founded, when there were no resources for these children, we have gone from gene finding to the first clinical trials in Progeria, to a treatment. We are now being hailed as a model for disease-research organizations and a prime example of a successful translational research organization, moving from the lab to treatments at a pace virtually unheard of in the scientific community.

And while helping this handful of children, the connection of Progeria to common heart disease and aging has tremendous implications for us all. All of this was done with the community’s help. A treatment has been found that will help extend time for the children. Now we need to find the cure. Together we will find the cure.

Terry M. Foose, California Chair
The Progeria Research Foundation