May 2, 2010: “Miles for Miles” team crosses the finish line at Pittsburgh Marathon and exceed fundraising goal!

Congratulations to the “Miles for Miles” team for completing their first event at the Pittsburgh Marathon in May,. Miles is the son of some good Congratulations to the “Miles for Miles” team for completing their first event at the Pittsburgh Marathon in May,. Miles is the son of some good friends of Stephanie Bunt, who put together a team of 6 runners to run in honor of Miles and his family and to raise awareness about Progeria. The team exceeded their goal of $10,000, raising over $11,000 – amazing! This money will help fund the Progeria Triple Drug Trial in which Miles is participating.

The team of runners includes Stephanie and her husband, Christopher ; Jennifer and Charlie Keller, Jennifer and Todd Lundberg, and Martin Muradaz. Thank you to everyone who supported the team and helped them exceed their goal!

Read Stephanie’s heartfelt article on the event and her relationship and thoughts about Miles’ family at:

“We are very excited about our accomplishment and will continue on through various other events”, said Stephanie, ” I am an immunologist working on translational medicine and would like to say that from a translational medicine perspective, the Foundation is an incredible inspiration and achievement!” And so are you and your team, Stephanie.