July 28, 2012 in Lexington, KY: 2nd Annual Zach Attack Ride Against Progeria

A message from Tina Pickard, President of PRF’s Kentucky Chapter.

The 2012 Ride Against Progeria was a huge success! There were over 100 bikers that participated (almost double from last year), and we raised $3,361!   Zach had a great time riding his motorcycle and he especially enjoyed his gift of a riding vest from the Solomon Builders MRA. The vest was even inscribed with his new nickname “Lil’ Moon”. Zach also loved his new “Harley” dog.  Our KY Chapter presented the 1st ever “PRF Spirit Award” and dedicated it to Jim and Angel Bragg. The Bragg’s have raised a huge amount of awareness over the past several years. They are dedicated to PRF and finding a cure for Progeria. We are so BLESSED to have these people in our lives! Thank you to EVERYONE who participated in this event…to the volunteers, to the people who donated auction items, to the people who bought auction items, to the riders and to everyone who came out just to say “HI”….we love and appreciate all your support! We also want to thank the Man O War Harley Davidson shop, which is a class act all the way… your staff went above and beyond to make sure we were comfortable. Thank you go for giving us a place to start and end this Ride! Your support means the world to us! See you next year, July 26, 2013!


Zack in his new riding vest!

Zach is ready to lead the way!


Riders leaving for the Zach Attach Poke Run. 

Everyone had a great time.