February 9, 2014 in Mountain Lakes, NJ: Team Zoey 4th Annual Spin For Life another HUGE success!

Written by: Barbara Batesko

Well I can officially say Team Zoey’s 4th Annual “Spin For Life” was another tremendous success raising over $34,000 for the Progeria Research Foundation!!! Although, 200 of Zoey’s friends, family and neighbors signed up to spin the event has turned into more of a dance party then a serious work out. Most people signed up to spin for 30 minute intervals but we had 3 people spin for the entire 4 hours. Karen Carolonza spun for her 4th year in a row all 4 hours along with Alison Berna and Charles Scott who come in from Manhattan for the last 2 years to do the same. We had a team of 7 instructors whose smiles; enthusiasm, determination and music helped to keep everyone motivated all day long.

We had a group of 6th Briarcliff girls who not only took turns spinning they stayed all day cheered, sang and danced to help keep everyone smiling. We also had 2 large Teams come from out of town one from Franklin Lakes and one from Montclair Kimberly Academy.

There were many lucky prizewinners this year. The Ratchford Family won the Grand Prize of a Family Y Membership. Karen LaRocco won the Individual Y Membership for raising the most amount of money. Megan Schulke won 2 Giant tickets and Jess Bishop won 2 Jet tickets. Allyson Bakewell won tickets to the Dr. Oz show and Renee Waas won the tickets to Live with Kelly and Michael. Kathleen Holmberg won personal training with Rich Mutterperl.

Team Zoey is most appreciative of all the people who volunteered their time and donated money to make this year’s Spin For Life another example of friends, family and neighbors coming together for the Progeria Research Foundation. THANK YOU to ALL!