Famous Actor Couple Join the Fight Against Progeria

The recognizable voices of Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen are featured in a public service campaign launched this summer by PRF. Proud supporters since 2003, the couple lend their time and talent to help.

July 18, 2006:  The recognizable voices of Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen are featured in a public service campaign launched this summer by The Progeria Research Foundation. Proud supporters of PRF since 2003, the couple lend their time and talent to help raise awareness of Progeria and highlight the need for more research of this disease.
We are honored to be a part of this tremendous effort to raise awareness about Progeria.
-Mary Steenburgen and Ted Danson
In just seven years, PRF has done a tremendous amount to help save these children, and in 2003, accomplished the first part of its mission by identifying the gene that causes Progeria. Scientists now know that further research in this field can help us learn more about adult heart disease and the aging process that affects us all. Recent studies have alsouncovered a drug that may be a cure for this devastating disease, and PRF is now working to raise funds to start children in clinical trials as quickly as possible.
The public service announcement is narrated by Ted Danson and Mary Steenburgen, and features images of several children with Progeria.

November 2006: PRF gets Ad Council endorsement, PSA airing in Times Square


What a thrill to have The Progeria Research Foundation’s Public Service Announcement (PSA) air on the Astrovision in New York City’s Times Square twice an hour, every hour during the month of November! And the timing is terrific, too, as Times Square attracts huge holiday shopping crowds in November.

And the awareness of PRF’s work continues to grow with the PSA’s backing by the Ad Council, a highly respected organization whose endorsement is considered the “seal of approval” for PSA campaigns. This is another fantastic opportunity for increased exposure for PRF, which will be featured in the Ad Council’s November/December PSA Bulletin, distributed to PSA directors at 18,000 media outlets nationwide.

Many thanks to Spectrum Science Communications for their continuing, successful efforts to raise awareness of Progeria and the important work of The Progeria Research Foundation.