September 18, 2010 in Monroe, MI:1st Annual Lindsay Ratcliffe Golf Outing Raises Nearly $7,000!

Michigan Chapter

The 1st Annual Lindsay Ratcliffe Golf Outing organized by PRF’s Michigan Chapter was a rousing success! Held in honor of Lindsay Ratcliffe, 100 golfers enjoyed a day on the links as they played in a friendly, 4-person scramble format. Even more people came out to join Lindsay and her family at the post-golf dinner and raffle.

Special thanks to organizer Ellen Dulecki and the Michigan Chapter’s Gold Sponsors: Expert Services, Buck’s Oil, Title One, LLC, and City Medical. Thank you as well to all of the players, donors and volunteers who participated in this outstanding inaugural event. 

Lindsay out on the links

Joe, Lindsay and Kristy Ratcliffe have
fun riding around in the golf cart
Our Gold Sponsor Golfers